Nicaragua Surf Report for Sunday, November 09, 2008

Thank you everyone for joining us for the Sunday surf report.  Today was a very important day here in Nicaragua because the elections were being held for Mayor in every town in our country.  Here in San Juan Del Sur we have had a Mayor from the Sandinista party for 19 years and today will decide if that remains the same or if we see a candidate from another party take over as the leader of our fair city.  We will keep you posted.

We would like to welcome Leslie to Nicaragua who decided to take some surf lessons from us here at The NSR Surf School.  This morning we took her to one of our local beaches to have a go at some fun waves.

In this photo you can see D-lite giving her some useful pointers on the beach before hitting the ocean.  We could not have asked for better conditions today at the beach.

Leslie was a very fast learner.  Here is one of the many good waves that she caught this morning.  She was so excited with her session that she decided to book one more day of surf lessons with us tomorrow.

Later on in the afternoon we headed out to catch some waves at Maderas.  It was running waist to chest high with an occasional head high set and the wind was offshore.

We want to welcome back to town our very own Carlito Caliente who has been on vacation for about six weeks.  Carl was catching some really good waves and you could tell that he was stoked to be back.

There was a strong showing of local surfers out today. Here is a shot of Pancho Chamorro with one of the better set waves of the day.

For the last shot of the day we have Luis “La Bailarina” Prado trying one of his new maneuvers out on this sweet little inside peeler.  Please check back with us tomorrow because the swell is supposed to pick up.  See you then.