Nicaragua Surf Report for Wednesday, October 25, 2006

This is Roberto with the surf report for today. We have pumping swell out here at Maderas. We have solid over head set waves coming in sometimes double over head and the wind is offshore. Check out Oliver commanding the line up at Machete pt.

Today we had every kind of maneuvers. Big floaters, barrels, cut backs and some busting air like this one. Luis Chamorro as always flying all over the place.

Here is Eu cutting back at Machete pt on a nice size wave.

This is Corage representing the monkey guys. I didn't know that guy could get barreled.

I was on the beach doing my thing too. What a day!!

Here is Condorito representing the boggie boarders. He was flying all over the place too.

Here is Kambute going right at Machete pt. He didn't want to go diving today 'cause we had good waves.

This is La Panga with a nice floater. God job my friend.

Augusto Chamorro was out too having a good time. He scored with a nice shot today.

Hey Jaime check you out, you are on NSR. Check back tomorrow.