Nicaragua Surf Report for Monday, July 25, 2011

We went to the beach in the morning trying to score some fun surf and this is what we found.  It was super small but there were still some fun ones to be had.  It looked super fun to take a big board out or even try to learn how to surf on your own.  Check it out!!!

Knee to waist high set waves were rolling in, perfect to learn how to surf.  We had a bunch of beginners out there having a blast.  This is didn’t do so well on his first 3 waves but he definitely was picking it up through the day.  Never give up pal!

A crew from Brazil showed out to the beach and they scored a few small but super fun waves.  Check out this one picking up a nice looking right.

There were a few dudes taking advantage on their mini-longboards.  Here is caught this one with a cool backside turn.

Here is a shot of the new generation.  This 8 years old kid is starting to surf right now and he’s ready to become a ripper.

This buddy from Brazil was the only ripper we had out there on a shortboard.  Check him out with a cool floater.

On the last shot of the day we have Ronald showing us that he also can do some cool maneuvers.  Please check back tomorrow!