Nicaragua Surf Report for Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Tony Zacharek

Good evening and welcome to Tuesday surf report. We had a solid rain last night and that brought some rippable surf and glassy conditions. @tonyzphotos on duty.

Tony Zacharek

The crowd was also pretty light. How fun does this right look?

Tony Zacharek

Longboard goes left and Dave setting up for the right.

Tony Zacharek

You can see in the lip how clear the water was today. This guy just barely got stuck behind the corner.

Tony Zacharek

The girls weren't going to let the guys have all the fun.

Tony Zacharek

This guy is loading up off the bottom...

Tony Zacharek

And he executes a nice wrap around cutback.

Tony Zacharek

There were a few tubes around. Ducking for cover.

Tony Zacharek

Lesther knows what to do when presented with a nice section in front of him.

Tony Zacharek

This guy has been surf really well on his twin fins. Looks like we should have another bump in swell overnight. josh will be back on the report. Check back tomorrow.