Nicaragua Surf Report for Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Hello friends, Armando Lopez welcome the first report of this  2014.  I hope everyone had a lot fun last night and have had really great time with the people you love. The waves were fun, it is customary for locals surf the first day of the year to have good waves the rest of the year.

Rights were the longest and best, here we see "Chocoyo" grabbing speed to do the air.

Some waves had tube, wind and water and the waves were nice. Waves reached 3 feet high.

Many families spent the afternoon at the beach, sunbathing, surfing and playing futbol were the activities of the day.

Eduardo took the best waves of the set, the right was consistent and he was always in good position.

Some visitors had good waves, we see this gentleman going in this right without using the leash.

Others I think will take some time to have good waves.

My friend Oscar has no problem if someone dropping in front his wave. He has a trick up his sleeve. Air 360.

The waves had strength. Because although they were small. Might use your short board.

Thanks for starting another year with us and hope that this year brings good swells and we hope you'll visit. Have a good time.