Nicaragua Surf Report for Thursday, May 02, 2024

Josh S

Hey everyone! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Playa Colorado. The waves were very fun this morning and early afternoon. Plenty of super clean tubitos to be had. 

Josh S

Emi cleaned house at the river-mouth right while I was shooting. The southern-most peak on the beach.

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Emi wasn’t the only one pulling into the fast right sets down south. Derek one-upped Emi with a slightly larger second wave from the set. Derek was lucky that this one was hollower too. A little extra adrenaline kick :)

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This left Emi caught was a beauty and he ended up putting a good “combo” together, so I’ll share a few frames from the sequence.

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He found some shade here, but I don’t know if this would really qualify as a barrel haha. His posture was so relaxed that I’m not even sure that he saw the lip coming at him haha

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After he pushed through the lip from the earlier section, he set-up for a quick backside snap.

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Emi was fully dialed on this left. He didn’t leave any meat on the bone, and capitalized on the soft end-section with a nimble, yet powerful, roundhouse cutback. Nice one Emi!

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The tide was still a little high while I was shooting so most of the left barrels were still somewhat almondy. Vinny doing his best to check in for some tunnel vision.

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Although there were some quality barrels made as the tide drained later in the morning, Kevin and Lesther ended up putting on an air-show. Kevin with picture perfect form and style during this frontside air-reverse.

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Lesther had to smack the waves around a bit before taking flight and making the rest of us mere mortals feel impotent haha!

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Not quite lunch time yet Lesther! Not “high noon” yet.

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Dab and air over the haters.

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Alrighty, you've waited long enough. Here’s Lesther’s mind-melting air. He got some SERIOUS height on this boost and nearly rode out of it with his knees still working correctly haha.

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Riley O’rorke is a regular return shredder each surf season. Although he isn’t living here in Nica anymore, he never seems rusty when he comes back to get barreled and tear waves up with us.

Josh S

Mid-tide had more than a few like this, but two or three times bigger. I think tomorrow might be a little smaller, but you don’t want to miss Colorados continuing to pick up momentum as we push deeper into surf-season. Boo-Yah!